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Why Can I Not See Location on Iphone

  1. 214365's Avatar

    I tried sharing as a family and it didn't work, I made sure all my locations were turned on and it still didn't work. It says it's turned on when I look at my phone but it still doesn't show on hers. I have iOS 10 and she has iOS 9, could that be the problem? Please help it is really bothering us.

    03-24-2017 09:49 PM

  2. Ledsteplin's Avatar

    I would guess you both need to update to the same current iOS. What doesn't show that's location related? Can you explain a bit more in detail?

    03-24-2017 09:56 PM

  3. 214365's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Ledsteplin

    I would guess you both need to update to the same current iOS. What doesn't show that's location related? Can you explain a bit more in detail?

    When you click on iMessage and go into details in the top right corner there is supposed to be a little map with my location and it doesn't pop up. On my phone it says I'm sharing my location indefinitely but on her phone it shows nothing.

    03-24-2017 11:59 PM

  4. Ledsteplin's Avatar

    Originally Posted by 214365

    When you click on iMessage and go into details in the top right corner there is supposed to be a little map with my location and it doesn't pop up. On my phone it says I'm sharing my location indefinitely but on her phone it shows nothing.

    Make sure in location services you have "Share My Location" toggled on and the device "from" is checked.

    Then go to location services > scroll down to "system services" > Toggle on "Share My Location" there too.

    Enable "Share My Location" in iMessage.

    Not sure what else you can do.

    03-25-2017 09:02 AM

  5. 214365's Avatar

    I have already made sure all my locations are turned on and hers are turned on. If there's nothing else to do then how am I supposed to be able to fix this?

    03-25-2017 11:46 AM

  6. Ledsteplin's Avatar

    Originally Posted by 214365

    I have already made sure all my locations are turned on and hers are turned on. If there's nothing else to do then how am I supposed to be able to fix this?

    Does it work with anyone else? Try to determine if it's an issue on your device or hers. Does she receive it from anyone else? Do you have a sibling or anyone you can test it with? Both of you might try Reset All Settings.
    Reset All Settings
    Go to Settings >General >Reset >Reset All Settings. This resets to default everything in Settings, including notifications, alerts, brightness, and clock settings like wake up alarms.
    You might also contact Apple Support. Maybe they can solve it.
    Apple Support

    iPhone Support

    Apple Support Number:
    (800) 275-2273

    03-25-2017 02:31 PM

  7. Sherry_B's Avatar

    Originally Posted by 214365

    I have already made sure all my locations are turned on and hers are turned on. If there's nothing else to do then how am I supposed to be able to fix this?

    If you can't get that going, as an alternative the two of you can install Life 360. One of you must create the Admin account, then invite the other. My fiance' and I have been using it for many years, and I had my kids use it when they were younger so that I knew where they were and that they were safe.

    03-26-2017 08:19 PM

  8. Ledsteplin's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Sherry_B

    If you can't get that going, as an alternative the two of you can install Life 360. One of you must create the Admin account, then invite the other. My fiance' and I have been using it for many years, and I had my kids use it when they were younger so that I knew where they were and that they were safe.

    I used that for a while. But it tends to use a lot of battery. There's no option to use location "when using the app". Location has to be on 24/7. It's otherwise nice though.

    03-27-2017 08:04 AM

  9. Sherry_B's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Ledsteplin

    I used that for a while. But it tends to use a lot of battery. There's no option to use location "when using the app". Location has to be on 24/7. It's otherwise nice though.

    My daughter may still be alive had she kept Life 360 installed. Lives are more important than battery life.

    03-27-2017 09:40 PM

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Why Can I Not See Location on Iphone
